

The MEME Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India is dedicated to strengthening Global business and community involvement to stimulate growth and a positive global image.

One way helping the industry to grow and exchange knowledge, developments, and innovations in the Global arena and on the other hand doing massive social work like poor girl child education, Women Empowerment, Women Achievers, Clean India, and Green India.To Strengthen the business community Globally by assisting and supporting to help for knowledge change to enhance their business.

Focus on the Customer/ Member and their needs: We are here for our businesses and our
members. This is the sole reason why we exist. Without members, there can be no us. We are here to serve you and to stand with you.

Frost & Sullivan History

For over 60 years we have helped organizations survive today

The history of Frost & Sullivan which is a combined effort of many individuals and clients over many years. The chronology of our company will guide you through a rich history, unfolding year by year. It all began with our founding in New York in 1961, and today, we stand proudly as a global enterprise, spanning across every industry and region.

As Jonathan Swift once said, ‘Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.’ In 1961, over lunch, Lore Frost and Dan Sullivan embodied this sentiment, seeing the invisible and commencing our 60-year journey. In the half-century since founding, Frost & Sullivan has become a widely recognized leader in the information and growth advisory industry – a Growth Pipeline company.

MSMECCII collaboration with Frost & Sullivan will give the opportunity to MSME industry in India to make their manufacturing units WORLD CLASS.

There industry experts visit the MSME’s ,survey their structural activities and prepare a report how MSME can adopt certain global standard to make their manufacturing units WORLD CLASS so that they will definitely get an edge over other industries to work with Pan Imdia customers and particularly for their overseas customers.

Once the MSME’s will fall in to that category MSMECCII & Frost & Sullivan will give the Certificate of Achievement at Mumbai December 2024.

Similar collaboration & certification process between World GREXPO Foundation & Frost & Sullivan for Middle Industries & Corporates to make their manufacturing units World Class.

So as a whole MSMECCII,GREXPO & Frost & Sullivan has taken a pledge to make Indian Industries manufacturing facilities World Class.

Golden opportunities for Indian Industries.


Help Build Relationships and Connect: As a Chamber, our purpose is built upon businesses and their people. We know that at the end of the day, prices, costs, products, and services will never count as much as relationships. We are here to help you build and enhance relationships. Strong relationships not only help businesses, but they also help our community thrive. Simplify: Today’s world comes with enough complications. We are always striving to simplify our processes and programs. Education: We know things change in all areas of business and community regularly. We will provide timely programs focused on topics that you as a community member or business owner need to know. Community Well- Being: Our Chamber strives to achieve a sense of community in today’s technology-driven world. We will do whatever we can to foster that feeling of belonging and inclusiveness through our events, programs, member visits, and other happenings.